Hangar 10 uses innovative frameworks to create workshops that allow unique experiences and engaging solutions for businesses. We help people to think "out-of-the box" by using the unique environments and frameworks that lead to innovative solutions and strategies.
For example we helped a major bay area healthcare company build its Obamacare Strategy by transforming their conference room into the current and future state gallery tours; we helped an online retail company build high performing teams at an art gallery and an HR department develop a new language and mindset through a customized framework.
We use 'out of the ordinary' spaces and our environment to get uncomfortable and spark concepts and ideas that would not normally come to surface. Innovation is not about the 'next new thing' it is about seeing things differently. This is the essence of Hangar 10; seeing the same thing differently and getting uncomfortable enough to take an unfamiliar direction to learn and create something unique.
"We can not solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them!"
- Albert Einstein
The result is leaders shake old habits, shift their thinking and see their business issues through a different lens. In doing this, obstacles become opportunities; problems transform into possibilities and great solutions are uncovered.
This stimulating, exciting and compelling process uses, among other frameworks, Future's 'Think Wrong' Blitz framework with emphasis on the 'Get Out' section of the framework. This framework inspires thinking differently and accelerated decision making.
Hangar 10 also draws from a myriad of other frameworks from IDEO, SY Partners and Deloitte (Moments That Matter) to create powerful solutions to whatever the challenge may / needs to be. With the use of these frameworks in addition to graphic/visual facilitation, and the outdoors...my workshops come alive and so do the participants!
Strategy, Leadership & Self- Empowerment Workshops
Nairobi, Kenya
Helm, translating to "Dream", is a non-profit organization that aims to promote the full inclusion of persons with Disabilities in all aspects of life.
I was asked to design an interactive, engaging and 'fun' international conference for 250 people from all over the world. In addition, Helm wanted exercises that promoted 'action items' immediately applicable after the conference.
"The Cairo 2016: A City for All" turned out to be an all-inclusive Conference showcasing best practices, innovative ideas/solutions and networking at both national and global perspectives.
Interactive small group dialogue and creative thinking exercises resulted in new ideas for increasing global inclusiveness around the world for people with Disabilities.
Areas included, travel, employment, government laws and building accessibility. These ideas were further developed into action plans and shared with all the attendees to take further into action in their own country.
Participant Feedback:
"I never knew a conference could be so much fun"
"I can't believe how much I learned in such a short amount of time. And English is my second language. I am leaving here with ideas I am ready to propose for implementation in my own country. This is great!"
Africa Yoga Project Innovation Workshop
Nairobi, Kenya
HR department need to move from a traditional transactional role to serving as business consultants for the operating departments.
Build County of Marin's overall Strategic Plan. The goal of this project was to Facilitate a working group of employees dedicated to designing the five year Strategic Plan, specifically for the future for technology investments.
A new HR department wide framework (based on moments and moves framework) for supporting the Operations Department.
Developed a common language from which HR department use to talk/brainstorm.
Provided a tool for managers to use in “coachable moments”
A new tool for accountability.
A report consisting of our proposed 5 year business plan, presented to the Board in Summer 2015.
"Kristen challenged each of us to think differently about how we support the organization and to begin taking risks in how we provide business consulting. Her style was to challenge new thinking and then provide tools that we could learn and apply to our changing role in the organization. Kristen insured that the process was engaging for all, fun and thought provoking. It is without hesitation that I would recommend Kristen Firpo to Facilitate and guide your people, your policies and your system decisions. My experience is that she will help you land on innovative, inclusive and transparent solutions. "
— Joanne Peterson, Director Human Resources, County of Marin
County of Marin
HR Transition & 5 year Strategy
San Francisco, CA. USA
Zawadisha, removes the barriers for rural women to access clean energy and water products by eliminating the up-front costs through an in-house financing and distribution program. They provide items such as solar lamps, rain water tanks, and clean cook stoves on credit to women, deliver them directly to their villages, and provide after-sale services that include financial literacy and micro-enterprise training.
Zawadisha, the organization itself was going through internal transitions and change in relation to its growth, employees and services.
Women in the field were in need of leadership and self-empowerment training.
Designed and facilitated a full day strategy workshop focusing on company transition, employee development and a 12-month strategy. The result was increased clarity regarding roles/responsibilities, a vision statement, alignment for the company strategy and priorities for the next year.
Field visits resulted in several workshops focused on leadership and self-empowerment. Individual mentorship with women. Women walked away from the workshops with new ideas to increase customer attraction for their small businesses.
In addition, women walked away with tools to help increase self-confidence through meditation, yoga, self-care and visualization techniques.
"You reminded me I have a voice"
Workshop attendee, Zawadisha
“It was truly a gift to sit on the other side of the table and watch Kristen work her magic. I truly believe that it brought everyone together and we’re in a much better position because of our time with Kristen.”
Jen Gurecki, CEO Zawadisha
McQueen and Hangar 10 partner together to deliver 'innovative and game-changing' workshops linking together the U.S. and Singapore.
Custom design workshop for an executive focused on first 100 days in new office. Through deep research, interviews with mentors, colleagues and the use of graphic/visual facilitation an entire day identifies, risks and opportunities preparing the executive for his/her new role.
*The leader of this executive is invited to the last 2 hours of the workshop for input and validation.
Customized one day workshop for newly promoted executive. The day consisted of 100% on her new role and first 100 days in office.
- new relationships
- new responsibilities
- new personal life / professional life changes and consequences
Clients include: BlueCross/Blue Shield, Sutter Health, Health Net, BD Biosciences and more...
"I bring Kristen in to design my workshops when I want my client to experience something truly different and unique; for example our Transition Workshop for a senior executive at a major healthcare company. Kristen designed an experience the client still talks about two years later. She is my CEO - Chief Experience Officer"
— Chris McQueen, Partner McQueen
Stella & Dot—
Leadership Development
Pro Bono - Non - Profit
2016 Intenrational Conference
Cairo, Egypt
Future and Hangar 10 partner together to deliver Blitz's.
What is a Blitz?
Think Wrong! You just got it!
Imagine Stanford meets TED d. school meets hackathon meets innovation blackbelts. Imagine getting months worth of work done in a single day. Imagine coming up with solutions together that you cannot conceive on your own. You've just imagined a Rapid Ingenuity Blitz.
What comes out of a Blitz is a portfolio of disruptive bets, ownership, leadership alignment, innovation skills and tools and new relationships.
Clients & Projects include: Menthe Lab, Genentech, mach49, California College of the Arts and more...
Africa Yoga Project is dedicated to delivering all that yoga has to offer to the diverse communities of East Africa, while at the same time providing opportunities for members of the global yoga community to participate and contribute.
There was a need to think more creatively about business and ‘break out of the yoga box’ to discover additional ways to do business.
Innovation workshop using the “Think Wrong” exercise.
Attendees of workshop were from a variety of departments at AYP, therefore we leveraged the diversity and push the buttons to ‘think wrong’. The result was learning how to get ‘unstuck’ and bring completely different perspectives to the organization
Participant Feedback:
“Thank you Kristen for the amazing and challenging (in a good way) workshop.”
“You certainly opened us up to ‘thinking wrong’, now I don’t want to think any other way!"
Clients & Retreats
Rapid Igenuity Blitz
Half Moon Bay, CA. USA
Stella & Dot—
Leadership Development Program
San Francisco, CA. USA
Transition Workshops &
Graphic Facilitation
U.S. & Singapore
Design the company's first Leadership
Development Program. Delivered a 4 month curriculum Including self-assessments, business fundamentals, innovation / ingenuity lab work and on the job application process.
A one day retreat, where participants developed new framework and tool-kit for building high-performing teams.
In addition of of participants said they developed a higher sense of self-awareness, Increased bonding with colleagues and genuine sense of 'investment' from the executive team.
The executives chose to keep this style and format for the next Leadership Development Program, to be rolled out in August, 2015.
"Kristen designed and facilitated our company's first Leadership Development Program, with a focus on all our areas of development. With a series of 5 workshops, each one was highly interactive and engaging along with rich content. Every time I work with a Kristen she always brings a fresh attitude, creative ideas and helps to MOTIVATE our employees in a collaborative fashion. She communicates clearly and is passionate about working with people and designing a "wow" experiences. I welcome the opportunity to work with Kristen again. "
- Christy Dinges, VP People, Stella & Dot
Copyright © Kristen Firpo. All rights reserved.+1.4153426833 / Kristen@Hangar10.co